Knights Landing

Experiences with the Knights Landing Processor

This workshop will concern programming the Knights Landing accelerator, based on findings in the PRACE Knights Landing Best Practice Guide. which was published in January 2017. This guide was produced in an effort led by Ole Saastad, who is also organizing this workshop.

This workshop will include a review of first hand experiences at University of Oslo with KNL, as well as presentations of experiences at other sites.

In addition we’ll organise a hands on session to let the workshop participants have a hands on experience using Knights Landing, using two systems installed in Oslo.

Discussion of the usability of Knights Landing as a HPC processor in comparison with Skylake and other modern processors (AMD-ZEN, OpenPower, ARM-64, SunWei etc). For what workloads will KNL be the best option?



09:00 Introduction
09:10 Overview of the KNL processor and programming model
09:45 Presentation of the PRACE KNL Best Practice Guide

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee
11:00 Experiences from different sites
11:15 Hands on experience, ssh access to UiO KNL systems.
12:00 Discussion of usage, feasibility, performance, suitability of KNL

12:30 Lunch, Workshop closes

Workshop chair:
Ole Saastad

  • Tuesday, May 30, 09:00 - 12:30 (Room: Ask)