Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) started as a collaborative research effort across four host universities (KTH Royal Technical University, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University and Uppsala University) in 2010 and has thereafter evolved into a national center for molecular biosciences after receiving national budgetary funding from 2013 onwards. SciLifeLab is considered by the Swedish government as one of the three major national research infrastructures, along with Max-IV and ESS. In 2016, SciLifeLab had about 1200 associated scientists, a budget of about 400 MSEK (42 M€), and carried out over 3000 service projects for academic and industrial/health care/other public users from all across Sweden. SciLifeLab operates ten technology platforms: genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, single cell biology, cellular and molecular imaging, molecular structures, chemical biology, genome engineering, diagnostic development and drug discovery & development. These platforms are further divided into 40 independent facilities. In addition, we operate a bioinformatics platform along with a data office to help users deal with the challenges of big datasets. As a major national infrastructure, SciLifeLab produces many petabytes of data per year that need to be analyzed, interpreted, integrated, archived and made publicly available. Part of the data include highly sensitive human/medical data. This presentation will highlight SciLifeLab infrastructures and research programs and will focus on the current and future challenges in dealing with big biological and medical datasets.